- 26/11/2021Prohibition Of the Use of Contents in this Website
- 12/10/2021The schedule for the 6th World KUDO Championships and 3rd World KUDO Junior Championships have been decided
- 13/09/2021The KUDO International Federation India, organized its 11th Kudo National tournament 2021
- 19/08/2021“Takashi Azuma Memorial Camp” was held in France.
- 03/04/2021{Объявление} Извещение о смерти Такаши Адзумы, председателя НКО Международная федерация кудо.
- 03/04/2021{Announcement} Notice of the death of Takashi Azuma, Head Director of the NPO Kudo International Federation.
- 10/03/2021The revised KIF Anti-Doing Code is effective as of 11th January 2021
- 09/09/2020Cancellation / Postponement of the organization of the 3rd Kudo World Cup 2020 in Greece due to COVID-19
- 30/01/2020Ceremony held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the foundation Daido-juku and the 20th anniversary of KUDO
- 20/12/20192019 HOKUTOKI All Japan KUDO Championships/All Japan Senior KUDO Invitational Championships
- 04/12/2019Event Schedule for 2020
- 10/11/20192019 Hokutoki All Japan Indiscriminant Tournament
- 09/09/2019Seminar in Malta
- 09/09/2019Seminar in Colombia