What Is Kudo?
What Is Kudo?
Kudo is a mixed Budo sport comprising full contact punches, kicks, throws, and submission techniques on the ground.
Kudo is not just a mixed fighting with emphasis on competition side.
It is a life-long sport, system for youth education, method of self-defense and health maintenance for adults.
Along with these elements it stresses the “Reigi” or respect and etiquette in its tradition of Budo that originated in Japan.
In this sense it is a “Modern Budo” that has already spread in more than 50 countries around the world.
The World Championships have been held once every four years, and as of 2023, the 6th World Championship the 3rd World Junior Championships have been held.
What is Kudo?
The 6th World Championships Highlights
What Is Kudo? (Japanese Version)
What kudo means
One of the purposes of martial arts, especially BUDO (Judo, Karate-do, Kendo, Aikido, “Kudo” and so on) is to train the mind and body to become strong and utilize that strength for the improvement of our community. As is well known, the word “do” in Budo means “a way of life”. Also it is a useful method of cultivating the youth who will contribute to the society through the tough times and events in their life. Nowadays, education for the youth in the world is on the verge of decay. Budo is, we can dare to say, a vital “tool” to discipline them and a guide even in ourselves. So we have to evade being misunderstood about the value of “Budo” due to bad impression that mere martial arts apt to give people as “violence without philosophy”. Choosing this philosophical word “KU” as our motto/idea, we name this Budo, “KUDO”
“空”(KŪ) means three important philosophical concepts.
無常観 (Mujou kan)
A view of life/world as something transient and empty. In other words, anything that has a shape be crushed or changed in its form someday. (Therefore it is no good for us to attached or obsessed by things)
相互依存 (Sougo izon)
All things exist only because they depend on each other (Therefore one should not be Self-righteousness, or self-conceited). With the above idea, lead to following third one.
不偏不党 (Huhen Huto)
“Open mind, impartiality, liberalism”
We can gain all things if we try to do so earnestly, but in order to be free, we should never persist with them, even day by day affaires, separating ourselves from prejudice, bias and so on. This perspective may be expressed “Open-Mindism (Founder Azuma’s Original term)”. But It never means the way of “Self-centered”, “egoistical” but “Open mind with generous”, “humble heart in robust belief”. So, for those who choose “Kudo” as Budo of our life, should think much of these three words. That is to say, when we faced with various difficulties, we must face them positively and never evade without challenge against them in order to gain the ultimate, highest truth.
Azuma Takashi
Profile of Takashi Azuma

First head director of Kudo International Federation
1949 | Born in Kesen numa City Miyagi prefecture,Japan. |
1971 | Enrolled in Waseda University night-class. |
1972 | Joined Kyokusinkaikan headquarter(22 years old). He stood out among other colleagues since the beginning because of his physical strength trained by Judo and his spiritual strength that never accept defeat. |
1981 | Found “Karatedo Daidojuku” in Sendai City Miyagi prefecture. |
2001 | Establishment of Kudo, mixed Budo combining the realism of fight with paramount attention to safety. |
2021 | Passed away in April 2021. |